Monday, April 15, 2013

Final Reflections Help Session


Choose ONE of your SERVICE activities from the past two years. Reflect on how your involvement in the activity relates to the following quote. Title this reflection "the ethical implications of (name of service activity)".

"Doing good is not about doing something, it's about doing the right thing." *

Alternatively, this quote could be modified to:

"Service is not about doing something, it's about doing the right thing." or
"Serving is not about serving in some way, it's about serving in the right way."

Questions to help you:
  • Did you do good? What good?
  • How do you determine whether you did good or not?
  • What does sustainability have to do with it?
    • Was your service project sustainable?
  • What could you do differently in the future? 
  • What is you biggest critique of the service project? 

*This quote is taken from the article "North Korea Won't Be Liberated in a Day" by Mike Deri Smith, published on It is in reference to criticisms of the the viral KONY video campaign of 2012. 

For Brent Diploma CAS Students:

Write a final reflection that answers the following question. Which CAS activity/ies has/have helped me to grow the most and how?


1 comment:

  1. Ma'am is this just for Grade 12's or for Juniors and Seniors?
