
Model United Nations
Varsity school sports - volleyball, basketball, soccer 
Gawad Kalinga - 2 sites
Tutoring at Mabini Elementary School
Golf lessons
Boxing training
Lessons and Carols - Choir and Orchestra
Peace Corps Leadership Training
Student Council Community Service Projects
Organize School Nutrition Campaign
Teach Piano / Guitar at home for abused children
Assist the blind at fundraising race
Wu Shu
Teaching Music and Art at Dream School
Broadcasting Club
Choreographing dances for pep rally
Choreographing dances for class fundraisers
Organizing awareness event for Women in the Congo
Teaching literacy? at Atok Community Library
Designing fireworks show
Tennis Lessons
Playing guitar at church
Create website for social business
Teach ICT class to students at Mabini Elementary School
Assisting with Homework Club at Brent

Click HERE for instructions on how to write an evaluation of a student.

Please read this section if you are unsure of what is an appropriate CAS activity.

Several things are asked of the CAS activity supervisor: 

To support the student in trying to fulfill the assessment criteria. If you feel that either the activity does not meet the CAS requirements or that the student is unsuitable for your activity, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can find an alternative.

To communicate any problems that may arise with the student's involvement/commitment in the CAS activity to the CAS coordinator. Catherine Wright - cwright (at) brentbaguio (dot) edu (dot) ph

To monitor student’s attendance. 

To read and comment on the student’s Reflection Essay.  Please follow up if you do not see it a week after the completion of the activity. This may be on a student’s blog.

To evaluate student’s performance and add a pertinent comment onto the Activity Evaluation Form.  Alternatively, the supervisor may include their evaluation of the student's performance in a comment directly on the student's blog.

If you have any concerns about the student(s) involved or further questions about the CAS program, please let me know. 

Many thanks for your support.