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Title: IB Learning OutcomesCopy and paste the following into the text box:
1. increased my awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth2. undertaken new challenges3. planned and initiated activities4. worked collaboratively with others5. shown perseverance and commitment in my activities6. engaged with issues of global importance7. considered the ethical implications of my actions8. developed new skills
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Post Title: Learning Outcomes
Copy and paste into the body of the post:
1. increased my awareness of my own strengths and areas for growthClick on Labels (to the right) and paste the following labels into the space provided.
2. undertaken new challenges
3. planned and initiated activities
4. worked collaboratively with others
5. shown perseverance and commitment in my activities
6. engaged with issues of global importance
7. considered the ethical implications of my actions
8. developed new skills
discovered strengths, discovered weakness, new challenge, planning, initiated activity, collaboration, perseverance and commitment, global issues, ethical implications, new skills, CREATIVITY, ACTION, SERVICEClick publish.
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Post title: IB Learner Profile
Insert the following image into the body of the post.
Choose three aspects of the IB learner profile that you would like to improve in yourself over the next two years.
inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, reflective
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Page title: How to Write a Proposal
Copy and paste the following into the body of the page:
All CAS proposals must explain the following things:
- Activity: Describe the activity you wish to undertake. What are you going to DO?
- Learning Goals: What are your personal goals for this activity? What do you anticipate learning? What are you going to get out of this activity? How are you going to be a better, stronger, more capable person as a result of this activity?
- Timeline: Where, how often, and for how long will the activity take place? (specific dates, if possible)
- Supervisor: Name, and contact information of adult supervisor (NOT FAMILY)
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Page title: How to Write a Reflection
Copy and paste the following into the body of the page:
Ask yourself...
- What did I plan to do?
- What did I do?
- What were the outcomes, for me, the team I was working with, and others? - It doesn't always have to be successful!!! You learn from failing! BE HONEST with YOURSELF.
Go deeper... again - BE HONEST - BE CRITICAL
- How did I feel?
- What did I perceive?
- What did I think about the activity?
- What did the activity mean to you?
- What was the value of the activity?
- What did I learn from the activity and how might this learning (for example, a change of perspective) apply more widely?
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Page title: List of Activities
(This is where you will keep a complete list of all of the CAS activities that you do. You will update it as you complete activities. You must have the following information for each activity:
- name of activity
- name of supervisor
- approximate date of activity
- CAS component (creativity, action, service)