Are you not really into team sports but looking for a fun action activity that will challenge you and make you stronger while benefiting a good cause?? Look no further! Here in Baguio the Lions Club is sponsoring a running event to help blind children in Northern Luzon. There are three different levels: 3k, 5k, 16k. Just think about it: 3k is shorter than you have to run for cross-country and I'm sure somebody would be up for the marathon challenge of 16 kilometers. There is even a FREE running clinic (where they teach you techniques for long-distance running I imagine?) with a famous Filipina runner so you will likely learn some new skills.
Remember, you need to have a variety of CAS activities in all three areas: Creativity / Action / Service. This is a great opportunity to do a short-term ACTION activity.
If this sounds like it is too hard for you, then it is a good idea for CAS.
If this sounds like it will put you in an unfamiliar environment, then this is a good idea for CAS.
If you've never run in a community race before, then this is a good CAS activity.
Alright, alright, I convinced myself. I'm doing it. Who's joining??
Click here for more info.